Deco BE95
BE33000 Quad-Band Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System
- 16-Stream 33 Gbps Quad-Band WiFi – 11520 Mbps (6 GHz-1) + 11520 Mbps (6 GHz-2) + 8640 Mbps (5 GHz) + 1148 Mbps (2.4 GHz).†
- Red de 10 Gbps sin precednetes – 1 puerto 10 Gbps Ethernet/Fibra Combo WAN/LAN + 1 puerto 10 Gbps WAN/LAN + 2 puertos 2.5 Gbps aseguran el máximo rendimiento y flexibilidad.§
- Backhaul inalámbrico y cableado combinados – Conecta un backhaul inalámbrico y cableado con cada unidad simultáneamente para mejorar el rendimiento y reducir la latencia.
- Multi-Link Operation (MLO) – SEnvía y recibe simultáneamente información a travpes de diferentes bandas y canales para mejorar el rendimiento, reducir la latencia y mejorar la confiabilidad.△
- Canales de 320 MHz – El doble de ancho de banda y habilita muchas más transmisiones simultáneas a las velocidades más rápidas posibles.△
- Trabaja en la banda de 6 GHz – Minimiza la congestión con greenfield spectrum, entregando conecciones de alta velocidad robustas.△
- TP-Link HomeShield – Proporciona protección integral de la red, controles parentales robustos y seguridad IoT en tiempo real.*
- Compatibilidad universal – Retrocompabtible con todas las generaciones Wi-Fi y funciona con cualquier proveedor de internet (ISP) y modem.☆
Quad-Band WiFi 7
Velocidades de hasta 33 Gbps
Seamless AI Roaming
TP-Link HomeShield
Operación Multi-Link
Un verdadero Wi-Fi Mesh
Para todo el hogar
320 MHz
de ancho de banda
Conectividad definitiva de 10G
Fibra y Ethernet
Conecta hasta
200 Dispositivos
Wi-Fi 7, Wi-Fi como nunca antes
Wi-Fi 7 incluye la nueva banda de 6 GHz, que es exclusiva para dispositivos de 6 GHz, eliminando interferencia desde dispositivos heredados. Los canales adicionales 3× 320 MHz habilitan más transmisiones simultáneas a las velocidades más altas posibles. 4K-QAM ofrece tasas de transmisión teóricas un 20% más altas que 1024-QAM. Además, Multi-RU y MLO hacen uso total de cada recurso y entrega una red más confiable.△
El Mesh de mayor clase jamás creado en la industria — 33 Gbps
El Wi-Fi Mesh más rápido a la fecha
Experience a high-end Quad-Band Whole Home WiFi 7 Mesh system with blazing-fast WiFi speeds up to 33 Gbps.† Now, every device in your home network will run at top performance. The exclusive 6 GHz band provides exceptional bandwidth and congestion-free channels exclusive to your devices.‡
33 Gbps
6 GHz-1
11530 Mbps
6 GHz-2
11530 Mbps
5 GHz
8647 Mbps
2.4 GHz
1148 Mbps
Conectividad Multi-Gigabit para todo el hogar
Deco BE95 mapa de calor de velocidad
4,600 sq. ft | 2 Pisos | 5 Habitaciones
Probado con clientes compatibles con 4×4 MLO
4,600 sq. ft | 2 Pisos | 5 Habitaciones
Probado con clientes compatibles con 4×4 MLO
10 Gbps de backhaul cableado
Cada habitación donde un Deco BE95 es colocado recibe 8-9 Gbps de velocidad inalámbrica, decresiendo gradualmente con la distancia. La mayoría de las villas analizadas registran su entrada en 7-8 Gbps. Debido al gran número de paredes, el borde de la casa recibe alrededor de 5-6 Gbps.***
Backhaul inalámbrico
El Deco BE95 del primer piso recibe lo mismo que con el backhaul cableado. Pero debido a las paredes y el techo entre los dos pisos, en el centro otro Deco BE95 recibe alrededor de 5 Gbps con el resto de la casa recibiendo velocidad de 4-5 Gbps.***
Deco BE95 mapa de calor de velocidad
4,600 sq. ft | 2 Pisos | 5 Habitaciones
Probado con clientes compatibles con 2×2 MLO
4,600 sq. ft | 2 Pisos | 5 Habitaciones
Probado con clientes compatibles con 2×2 MLO
10 Gbps de backhaul cableado
Cada cuarto donde hay un Deco BE95 recibe 4.5+ Gbps de velocidad inalámbrica, gradualmente decae con la distancia. La mayoría de villas analizadas registran hasta 4 Gbps. Debido al gran número de paredes, el borde de la casa alrededor de 3.5-4 Gbps.***
Backhaul inalámbrico
Entrando en una verdadera era 10G
Equipado con 2 puertos de 10 Gbps WAN/LAN — un puerto RJ45 y puerto RJ45/SFP+ — Deco BE95 proporciona un soporte flexible para ambas conexiones fibra y cobre.§ Los puertos adicionales de 2.5 Gbps y USB 3.0 convirtiéndolo en una solución ideal para preparar su red doméstica para el futuro.
2 puertos 2.5 Gbps WAN/LAN
Puerto de 10 Gbps WAN/LAN
Puerto 10 Gbps RJ45/SFP+ WAN/LAN Combo
Capaz de convertir datos de fibra a datos de cable Ethernet con un módulo SFP
Puerto USB 3.0
Hasta el último detalle
La investigación interna de componentes y la exhaustiva selección de hardware de TP-Link garantizan la calidad y el valor de todo el sistema Deco BE95. Todo se junta para formar el dispositivo Mesh perfecto.
Antenas de 6GHz
(Total de 12 antenas de alta ganancia)
Ocho antenas omnidireccionales irradian energía de radio en todas direcciones
Circuitos integrados de radio frecuencia (RFIC)
Entrega velocidad Wi-Fi ultra rápida de hasta 33 Gbps
FEMs de alta potencia
(4 por cada RFIC)
Entrega el mejor rendimiento con un rango superior
Diseño de carcasa de convección térmica
Ideal para convección térmica de arriba a abajo
Ventiladores de refrigeración internos
Enfríe el entorno de trabajo, ideal para maximizar el límite de carga de trabajo y garantizar un alto rendimiento incluso con alta capacidad
El backhaul definitivo: Más potente y más flexible
A través de nuestra tecnlogía de desarrollo propio, Deco BE95 puede conectar un backhaul inalámbrico y cableado con cada unidad simultáneamente. Es más, con la última tecnología Wi-Fi 7 MLO, se incrementa el caudal de agregación de backhaul combinado inalámbrico y por cable del sistema. De esta manera, mejora enormemente el rendimiento general y reduce la latencia, brindadno una cobertura más amplia con conexiones más estables y confiables.
Backhaul inalámbrico y cableado combinado

Seguridad inteligente para una vida inteligente
HomeShield propociona una serie de servicios integrados que protegen todos sus dispositivos de manera integral con varias funciones para cuando esté en casa o mientras viaja. Con HomeShield, las experiencias de internet más segura aportan más felicidad a su vida inteligente.
Protección de red
Simplemente configura tu gateway y logra seguridad en toda la red doméstica. HomeShield examina tu red escaneando e identificando riesgos potenciales, deteniéndolos en seco antes de que dañen tu red.*
Control parental
El control parental protege a tus hijos, mientras los ayuda a manterse habitos digitales sanos. Los padres pueden habilitar bloqueo de apps, filtrado web, restricciones en YouTube, búsquedas seguras y límites de tiempo online para mantener a sus hijos a salvo mientras se divierten en línea.*
Mantenga la protección fuera de casa
KidShield App
Devices Security App
Los dispositivos permanecen seguros en todas partes con la apliacación de seguridad para dispositivos. Y a través de KidShield, los padres pueden monitorear la ubicación de sus hijos y establecer "geocercas". De esta manera, los niños permanecen protegidos digitalmente incluso mientras viajan.*
Soporte para cliente y servidor VPN
Permite a dispositivos en tu red hogareña acceder a servidores VPN remotos sin la necesidad de instalar un software VPN en cada dispositivo. Podes crear diferentes tipos de conexión VPN, incluyendo OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP/IPSec VPN. Además, Deco puede correr tanto la VPN como las conexiones a internet ordinarias al mismo tiempo, entregando seguridad y flexibilidad.
Red IoT privada para más seguridad
Configura una red Wi-Fi por separado para tus dispositivos IoT y superponelo con HomeShield y cifrado WPA3 avanzado** para una mejor protección de tu red hogareña y dispositivos IoT.
Seamless AI-Driven Mesh
Streaming ininterrumpido cuando te moves entre habitaciones
Deco Mesh forma una red unificada con un solo nombre de red. Con tecnología AI-Roaming incorporada, crea la solución ideal de Wi-Fi con algoritmos avanzados y autoaprendizaje. Camina a través de tu hogar y disfruta de seamless streaming a la velocidad más alta posible.‡
Seamless Roaming con un solo nombre Wi-Fi
Algoritmos sofisticados
Seamless AI-Driven Mesh
Wi-Fi personalizado
Más compatibilidad,
Más interoperabilidad
Con el protocolo Matter, Deco funciona como un controlador central para gestionar todos tus dispositivos Matter certificados. Matter habilita la comunicación perfecta entre dispositivos IoT entre plataformas, independientemente de su fabricante. Además, le permite acceder a los dispositivos en su red de área local (LAN) a través de la app Deco incluso cuando su hogar se desconecta. ◊
Simple. Fácil. Todavía potente.
Instala y gestiona tu red en cualquier momento y cualquier lugar en la amigable app TP-Link Deco. En tan solo tres simples pasos toda tu casa puede ser cubierta con un potente y confiable Wi-Fi.
tanto a tu modemo como a la corriente. -
y ejecuta la app Deco. -
siguiendo las instrucciones de la app.
Gestion sencilla
Gestiona tu Wi-Fi desde casa o cualquier lugar en la app Deco. Observa cada dispositivo conectado, prioriza los tuyos y habilita una red de invitados.
Control por voz
Use Amazon Alexa o habilite Google Assistant para controlar el Deco BE95 solo con su voz.
Todos los Deco trabajan juntos
Deco BE95 es compatible con todos los otros modelos Deco para formar una red Mesh. Expande la cobertura del Wi-Fi Mesh en cualquier momento añadiendo más Decos.
True Seamless Roaming
Deco units work together to form one unified network with a single network name. Your phone or tablet automatically connects to the fastest Deco as you move through your home. The switching takes less than 0.3 second and is smooth and unnoticeable, creating a truly seamless online experience.
Adaptive Path Selection
TP-Link Mesh Technology dynamically chooses the best route and band for your connections and applications, guaranteeing a fast Wi-Fi no matter where you are in the home.
If one Deco has an issue, the system will automatically reroute data via the other Decos to make sure you stay online.
Wi-Fi + Powerline
Powerline connections utilize your home's electrical circuit to link Decos, bypassing even the thickest of walls and ceilings.
The dual-band Wi-Fi and powerline work together to transmit data between Deco units. The total network speed is greatly improved compared with using Wi-Fi only.
- Wi-Fi + Powerline:
- Hybrid Wi-Fi System Boosted Speeds
- Traditional Mesh Wi-Fi:
- Standard Wi-Fi System
- Powerline
- Note:Wi-Fi + Powerline is only for Deco P9
IoT Mesh
Unlike traditional smart hubs, TP-Link Mesh Technology provides whole-home IoT coverage with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Zigbee integrated into a single system.Enjoy the magic of your smart home in every room with TP-Link Mesh Technology. Say goodbye to countless hubs.
- - - - Wi-Fi
- - - - Zigbee
- - - - Bluetooth
Wi-Fi 6 Mesh
Armed with Wi-Fi 6 technology,
Deco whole home mesh Wi-Fi is designed to deliver a huge boost in coverage, speed, and total capacity. Get on the latest mesh Wi-Fi to enjoy the future network that loads faster and connects more.
Broader coverage
More Connections
Faster Wi-Fi 6 Speed
AI-Driven Mesh
Armed with AI Mesh technology, Deco automatically learns and improves itself from experience.
This provides the ideal mesh Wi-Fi unique to your home and network environment.
Walk through your home and enjoy seamless streaming at the fastest possible speeds.
Why TP-Link Mesh Technology
an industry leading solution?
Compete Comparison | |||
Model Number | TP-Link Deco | Netgear Orbi | Google WiFi |
Wireless Backhaul | Tri-Band(2.4G+5G_1+5G_2)¹ | Single-Band(5G_1 Only) | Dual-Band(2.4G+5G) |
Mesh Protocol Supported | IEEE 802.11k/v/r | IEEE 802.11k/v | IEEE 802.11s |
True Seamless Roaming | ✔ | × | × |
APS(Adaptive Path Selection) | ✔ | × | ✔ |
IoT Mesh | ✔² | × | × |
Wi-Fi 6 Mesh | ✔5 | ✔ | × |
AI-Driven Mesh | ✔6 | × | × |
Powerline Backhaul | ✔³ | × | × |
Wireless + Powerline Bandwidth | ✔⁴ | × | × |
Band Steering | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
AP Steering | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Self-Healing | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Notes: 1&2 For Deco M9 Plus Only;5 for Deco X20;Deco X90;6 for Deco X90 only. Spec sourced by Dec. 2019 |
Deco Series
Deco BE85
BE22000 Tri-Band Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System
Deco BE75
BE17000 Tri-Band Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System
Deco BE65
BE11000 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System
Deco XE200
AXE11000 Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi 6E System
Deco XE75
AXE5400 Tri-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 6E System
Deco X50-5G
5G AX3000 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 6 Gateway (Availability based on regions)
Deco X50-PoE
AX3000 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 6 System with PoE
Deco Network Management at Your Fingertips!
The Deco app provides the easiest way to set up, manage and monitor your Deco Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi System through your iOS or Android devices.
Setup Just Got a Lot Easier
Unbox Deco, install the app and then simply follow the on-screen directions. Deco app will take care of the rest and get your network up and running in minutes.
Connect Deco to your cable modem and turn on both devices
Download and launch the Deco app
Follow the in-app instructions to configure your Deco system.
Simple Management
Deco makes it easy to manage your Wi-Fi from anywhere, whether you’re on the couch, at work, or anywhere in between.
Simple Management Dashboard
View the working status of your network, check the connected devices and get all the features your router offers.
Multiple Decos, One App
The Deco app manages all your Deco networks and devices connected to your Deco Wi-Fi.
Check the Connected Devices
View a list of your connected devices with the ability to pause and resume internet access, test the internet speed and prioritize or block the devices.
Remote Management
Remotely take control of the network with a tap of your phone—no matter where you find yourself.
Powerful Parental Controls
Simple, intuitive parental controls make it easy to keep your children safe while they’re online.
Easily create a profile for each family member and set custom time limits and online time allowances. Assign devices to profiles so rules extend to individual devices as well as family members.
Keep your family safe online with one-touch security settings that block content based on age-appropriateness.
Set limits on how much time each person in your family can spend online.
With Insights, you can check out which sites your children visit and how much time they spend on each. It’s a great way to know your children are safe while they’re having fun online.
Take a break from Wi-Fi for dinner and family game nights. Just tap a button to suspend internet access for everyone in your home.
An Intuitive App Full of Features
Monthly Usage Summary
See a comprehensive list of your network details every month, including usage,
blocked content, security threats and more.
Home Automation
Make your life easy with powerful automation and voice control tools.
*Currently only for Deco M9 Plus
Flexible Shortcut
Flexibly control all devices from your phone or tablet with just one click.
*Currently only for Deco M9 Plus
Protect Your Network
Built-in Antivirus helps you defend against malicious website and guard your online payment.
*Currently only for Deco M9 Plus, Deco P7 and Deco M5
Prioritize Your Devices
Choose which devices always have the fastest connections
or set priority for a specific time duration.
Set Application Priorities
Allocate more bandwidth for the activities most important to you with simple controls.
*Currently only for Deco M9 Plus, Deco P7 and Deco M5
Share Wi-Fi with Friends
Set up separate Wi-Fi profiles for guests and share the password to
make it easier for them to hop online.
Check Your Speed
Run a speed test to ensure you’re getting the internet speeds you’re paying for.
View every device on your network and see how much bandwidth they’re using.
Our Support Always Has Your Back
Have questions about Deco? Help is always just a click away. Find the answers in Deco app and don’t hesitate to contact us with just a simple click.
SupportWIRELESS | |
Standards | Wi-Fi 7IEEE 802.11be/ax 6 GHzIEEE 802.11be/ax/ac/n/a 5 GHzIEEE 802.11ax/n/b/g 2.4 GHz |
WiFi Speeds | BE330006 GHz-1: 11530 Mbps (802.11be)6 GHz-2: 11530 Mbps (802.11be)5 GHz: 8647 Mbps (802.11be)2.4 GHz: 1148 Mbps (802.11ax) |
WiFi Range | Broader Whole Home Coverage TP-Link Mesh TechnologyOptional Ethernet backhaul work together to link Deco units to provide seamless coverageAI-Driven MeshIntelligently learns the network environment to provide ideal Wi-Fi unique to your home12× High-Gain Antennas (Internal)Multiple antennas form a signal-boosting array to cover more directions and large areasQuad-BandThe greenfield 6 GHz band brings more bandwidth and faster speeds |
WiFi Capacity | Very High Quad-BandDistribute devices to different bands for optimal performance4×4 MU-MIMOSimultaneously communicates with multiple MU-MIMO clientsOFDMASimultaneously communicates with multiple WiFi 7 clients16 Streams, 4 Streams on Each BandMore than enough bandwidth for connected devices |
Working Modes | Router ModeAccess Point Mode |
Advanced Functions | • Multi-Link Operation (MLO)• 320 MHz Channel• 4K-QAM• Multi-RUs• Works with Alexa and Google Assistant |
Network Security | SPI FirewallAccess ControlHomeShield Security Real-Time IoT ProtectionMalicious Site BlockerIntrusion Prevention SystemDDoS Attack PreventionHome Network Scanner |
Guest Network | 1× 6 GHz Guest Network1× 5 GHz Guest Network1× 2.4 GHz Guest Network Effective TimeBandwidth Control |
VPN Server | • OpenVPN Server• PPTP VPN Server• L2TP/IPSec VPN Server |
VPN Client | • OpenVPN Client• PPTP VPN Client• L2TP/IPSec VPN Client |
WiFi Encryption | WPA-Personal WPA2-Personal WPA3-Personal |
Ethernet Ports | • 1× 10 Gbps• 1× 10 Gbps SFP+/RJ45 Combo• 2× 2.5 Gbps*Per Deco Unit Supports WAN/LAN auto-sensing |
USB Support | 1× USB 3.0 Port FTP ServerMedia ServerSamba Server |
Botones | 1× Reset Button1× WPS |
Advanced Features | • Reboot Schedule• Tapo/Kasa Onboarding• IoT network & Device Isolation• Static Routing Function• Node/Band Connection Preference |
Protocols | IPv4 IPv6 |
Service Kits | HomeShieldLearn More> |
Parental Controls | HomeShield Parental Controls Youtube RestrictionSafeSearchCustom ProfilesProfessional Content Filter LibraryFamily TimeBedtimeOff TimeTime RewardsFamily Online Time RankingPause the InternetWeekly and Monthly Reports |
WAN Types | Dynamic IPStatic IPPPPoEPPTPL2TP |
Quality of Service | HomeShield QoS QoS by Device |
Cloud Service | OTA Firmware UpgradeTP-Link ID DDNS |
NAT Forwarding | Port Forwarding UPnP |
IPTV | IGMP ProxyIGMP SnoopingBridge Tag VLAN |
DHCP | Address ReservationDHCP Client ListServer |
DDNS | TP-Link |
Management | Deco App |
Dimensions (W×D×H) | 5.04 × 5.04 × 9.29 in (128 × 128 × 236 mm) |
Package Contents | Deco BE95 (2-pack)2 Deco BE95 units1 RJ45 Ethernet cable2 Power adaptersQuick Installation GuideDeco BE95 (1-pack)1 Deco BE95 unit1 RJ45 Ethernet cable1 Power adapterQuick Installation Guide |
Otros | |
Certificaciones | CE, FCC, RoHS |
Ambiente | Operating Temperature: 0°C~40°C (32 °F~104 °F)Storage Temperature: -40°C~60°C (-40 °F~140 °F)Operating Humidity: 10%~90% RHStorage Humidity: 5%~90% RH |
†Maximum wireless signal rates are the physical rates derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications. Connection to over 200 devices is based on laboratory test data, which analyzed the connections of different devices on the 6 GHz, 5 GHz, and 2.4 GHz bands simultaneously. These devices simulated a typical home scenario by running simultaneous applications in the same room that included 4K video, 1080p video, 720p video, file downloading, web browsing, IP cameras, and other IoT devices. Actual wireless data throughput, wireless coverage, and connected devices are not guaranteed and will vary as a result of internet service provider factors, network conditions, client limitations, and environmental factors, including building materials, obstacles, volume and density of traffic, and client location.
‡Clients need to support 802.11k/v/r and may require additional setup. Performance may vary depending on the client device.
△Use of Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), and features including Multi-Link Operation (MLO), 320 MHz Bandwidth, 4K-QAM, Multi-RUs, OFDMA, MU-MIMO and BSS Color requires clients to also support the corresponding features. The 320 MHz bandwidth is only available on the 6 GHz band. Simultaneously, the 160 MHz and 240 MHz bandwidths or the 320 MHz bandwidth might not be available on the 5 GHz band or the 6 GHz band, respectively, in some regions/countries due to regulatory restrictions. Double channel width and speed refer to 320 MHz compared to 160 MHz for Wi-Fi 6 mesh.
§10 Gbps and 2.5 Gbps internet speeds require compatible service plans and equipment. All WAN/LAN ports will operate as either WAN or LAN ports. Only one port can serve as a WAN port at a time.
*HomeShield includes the Free Basic Plan. Fees apply for the Pro Plan. Visit for more information. Some features are under development and will be supported with subsequent software updates.
**Use of WAP3 requires clients to also support the corresponding feature.
***The test was conducted in a 4,600 sq. ft. two-story villa with 5 bedrooms with an interior made up of drywall. The Deco BE95 was tested with 4x4 MLO-compatible clients. Home networking performance may vary, depending on the network's speeds, fiber or Ethernet access, WiFi interference, obstacles, walls, areas, and clients.
☆WiFi generations represent the wireless standard IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be. Users may require an extra modem device that is compatible with their internet service provider to gain internet access.
Actual network speed may be limited by the rate of the product's Ethernet WAN or LAN port, the rate supported by the network cable, internet service provider factors, and other environmental conditions.
This Deco may not support all the mandatory features as ratified in IEEE 802.11be specification.
Further software upgrades for feature availability may be required.
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